

CAD 25.00 (+ 25% moms)

Have you ever had a deep dark secret about your own very strange behaviour? You know, the stuff we are not so proud of, and would rather keep away from a public forum; your shadow as some may call it. Have you ever worked out where that came from and how it made it's way inside of you?

Not just a quick fix!

CAD 596.00 (+ 25% moms)

Think of the Homeopathic Detox Protocols as taking antivenin. Never before have we been so poisoned as we are now. We are topped up constantly with hormones, medications, pollution, agricultural pesticides - you name it. It is unlike anything the human body has gone through before in the entire history of mankind. Wouldn't it be great if there was antivenin for that? What if there is?!

PDF Guides and 45 minute private *online consultation

CAD 248.75 (including 25% moms)

In this course you will receive a 25-page PDF guide explaining how to use homeopathy for childbirth. You get thorough instruction about when to use which remedy and for what issue. All the advice given is from a 18-remedy kit designed especially for childbirth. Be miles ahead in your journey of childbirth with the purchase of this kit and guide!

After reading the guide, ask your questions about it in the *private consultation, where we get to speak about your specific concerns.

*private consultation must be redeemed within 45 days of purchase, or otherwise arranged with Mette.

Natural Medicine for Your Family

CAD 19.00 (+ 25% moms)

With the Prescribers Club and my system of teaching you will see that it can be easy to learn how to use natural and toxin free medicines yourself at home. With the club you have everything you need to get started and to keep developing and refining your skills with the holistic prescriptions. 

Your shortcut to NO detox symptoms

CAD 39.00 (+ 25% moms)

Enemas have been used for centuries to relieve constipation and improve overall health and well-being. They are described in medical writings as far back as ancient Egypt.

It will change your life forever

CAD 0.00 (+ 25% moms)

Get homeopath Mette Mitchell's best advice about homeopathy to home prescribers for FREE

Tune in on Thursday the 29th of October at 7.30pm (Mountain time), and get the homeopathic gold nuggets that have the potential to change your life forever. If you can't be there a this time, don't worry. You will get a link sent after for the recording.

$157.60 (+ 25% moms)

16 module online course. Learn about 20 different ailments you can treat at home. Get to know more than 50 homeopathic remedies. Get trained by one of the most experienced teachers of homeopathy for everyday use.

Learn to prescribe for the following at home

  • Introduction to homeopathy
  • Fevers
  • Acute digestive problems
  • Acute skin issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Emotions
  • Acute headaches
  • Burns
  • Discharges
  • Influenza
  • Operations
  • Painful periods
  • Coughs
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • UTI's
  • Stings and bites

It will change your life forever

$61.65 (+ 25% moms)

Would you like to use fewer over-the-counter drugs? Would you like to learn how to treat common ailments at home with natural remedies? Would you like to be a provider and protector of health in your family? If so, this is the course to get you started!

This three-hour ONLINE workshop will introduce you to the basic principles behind homeopathy. Get hands-on advice about how to apply homeopathy at home and also learn some simple tools that will enable you to use what you have learned immediately.

CAD 186.25 (including 25% moms)

The course is designed for people who decide, to or are being forced to vaccinate, and would also like to take some holistic measures at the same time. 

This guide is assembled from advice from many different holistic practitioners who all have specific insight and experience with vaccination. I have hand-picked the pieces of information shared because I find them essential and easy to understand.

30-minute consultation included.

Remedies mentioned in online presentation on homeopathic healing of ancestral trauma

CAD 48.00 (+ 25% moms)

Spar penge og få alt den hjælp du har brug for

DKK 998.00

Dette er for dig, der er fuldt dedikeret til din homøopatiske behandling og gerne vil have adgang til al den homøopatiske behandling og rådgivning, du har brug for, uden at skulle bekymre dig om hvad det koster.

Det mest omfattende online materiale om homøopati på dansk

DKK 125.00 (including 25% moms)

Homøopatien er mere end blot en super praktisk form for medicin, det er også et særligt perspektiv på livet, døden og alt det midt imellem. Det er et perspektiv, der trækker 'i den anden retning' af, hvad vi præsteneres for i dagspressen og igennem vores politikere. Det er et sundt perspektiv, der bringer balance ind i opfattelsen om sygdom og helbred.